Tahini, a puree made from toasted sesame seeds, used to be uncommon – now it has become a phenomenon. It’s mildly nutty and savory flavor combined with its creamy texture make it the perfect additive to all your dishes. Not only is it delicious but it is a great source of magnesium, calcium and iron.

Did you know?

-Tahini has nine times more calcium than peanut butter

-When Tahini originated, it was considered such a delicacy that it was used as a form of currency.

-Tahini was considered to be a contributing factor in why Turkish soldiers in WWII were stronger and more fit than their counterparts.


Tahini Hummus: https://www.thespruceeats.com/hummus-with-tahini-2355351

Tahini Brownies: https://www.themediterraneandish.com/tahini-brownies-recipe/

Homemade Falafel with Tahini Sauce: https://www.justataste.com/homemade-falafel-with-tahini-sauce/