Empanadas are one of my favorite portable snacks. They’re easy to make ahead and still taste good several hours after being cooked (though they are arguably better fresh and piping hot). Like most good things, the variations of the empanada seem to be endless. Empanadas in their current form come to us from Spain and Portugal, but they can be found in many places around Europe, North and South America (salteñas in Bolivia), the Middle East (bolani in Afghanistan), and anywhere else small portable food is popular. Read on for more fun facts and recipes!

 Did you know:

  • A restaurant in Santiago Chile claims to hold the record for largest empanada at 1200 pounds!

  • Papa Luna’s in San Diego offers an eating challenge for empanadas, the current record is 14 in 70 minutes

  • April 8th is National Empanada Day


Cheese and guava empanada


Mango chicken empanada with black bean salad


Sweet potato empanada